Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Warning.... this is gross....

This is what i do to James - I tell him that there are toxins, and we need to get them out. His rule is - "No Nails" But i've never gotten these kind of results....


Katrina Rasband said...


j said...

This is freaking grosssssss!! Please put gloves on when you need to do that demonstration of love lolololool

Heidi said...

Heath!!! I thought I was going to throw up!! Hopefully James doesn't have toxins like that in him!!!

Joanna said...

Heather, there are no words to describe that. Wow.

Marnie said...

OK, I can't even watch. But Joey and Maddie have been looking at your blog and saying oooh! gross! I wondered what was going on. Disgusting!

the Smith's said...

Spencer told me I had to check your blog and watch this video... I think that might be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.... it just didn't stop... yuck! :P

Unknown said...

So gross and yet so great at the same time. I wanted to barf the entire time but couldn't take my eyes away AND then I ended up watching a bagillion other even more disgusting similar ones on youtube... oh man. Great Heather, just great.

Emily said...

I'm thoroughly grossed out!