So - as most of you know - just after getting married, James and I are moving to Lincoln, Nebraska. Change-overload!! It will be an adjustment but i think a really good move. For those who have never been to Lincoln, now you have a reason to go. James keeps saying - " I want us to have a really cool apt/house where people want to come visit/stay with us." So you are always welcome! Lincoln really is a great town - not too big, not too small. Lots of pride - but in a good way. They are all about Husker Sports. The downtown is so fun. And there are bike trails everywhere all over the city. And a few other interesting facts about Nebraska....
Nebraska has more miles of river than any other state.
The 911 system of emergency communications, now used nationwide, was developed and first used in Lincoln, Nebraska.
The Nebraska Cornhuskers have been to a record 27 consecutive bowl games and 27 consecutive winning seasons (James' dad was on the team for at least 2 of those winning seasons!)
In Blue Hill, Nebraska, no female wearing a 'hat that would scare a timid person' can be seen eating onions in public.
The largest porch swing in the world is located in Hebron, Nebraska and it can sit 25 adults.
In 1950, Omaha became the home of the College World Series.
So there you have it....come visit for the College world series, or to bike along the many river trails, or sit with 24 other adults on the largest porch swing! Whats not to love!?
Congratulations Shnook! Have a happy wedding! And good luck with the move.
that IS a lot of change in one fell swoop! what takes you both there? i STILL need me some heather-feather-catch-up-visiting-time!!!
I can't believe how close the wedding is!! I'm seriously so excited!! And I woule LOVE visiting you guys in Nebraska. Linds and I were talking just the other day about how in a year or two (when you feel a little more setttled) how we should have a Smith Girls Retreat in Nebraska--just hang out, eat, shop, see the sites. Wouldn't that be fun!
Yea, I finally looked at your blog. So fun! Look out Nebraska...
hmm - how far is it from indy to lincoln?? 632 miles! why not? seriously, i hope i can come visit! keep us posted on the wedding preparations!
I want to try out that porch swing. Sounds cool. Heath, you're going to get some midwestern blood in you! It will be an exciting adventure. A sisters retreat sounds fun. Good luck with the CCCCCCOLD!!!
Ohhhh Nebraska....the good old (cold) days!! :) Lincoln is a nice place. I will for sure come to visit one of these days! The wedding festivities were AWESOME & FUN and now for the honeymoon and big move, eh? Let me know how it all goes! CONGRATS to a cute couple. NE is so lucky to get both of you!
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