Sunday, December 14, 2008


I don't know if i have ever in my life experienced weather below zero. Honestly. I'm trying to remember a time. But most of my life I lived in Arizona. And LA for a few years. UT was the coldest but even there i don't remember it below zero. It is -1 degree right now and with the windchill it says its -21 degrees. Right now in Arizona its 50. And with the windchill its still 50. And in LA its 53. And with a windchill its still 53.

This video is becoming all too familiar:


Giles Fam said...

Ok, that video made me laught out loud...more than once. That is seriously QUITE the accomplishment. Thanks for sharing!! I'm sorry to hear you are starting to experience my pain. :) LOVE YOU

Katrina Rasband said...

burrr is right! now you have an even better reason to come back to visit!

catharooni said...

-13 with a windchill of -21 here, baby. but you still get my sympathy oh-inexperienced-winter-ite!!

Palmer family said...

Ohhhhh...good 'ol Nebraska butt freakin' cold weather....Gotta love it! :)

Sara said...

Okay that video is hilarious! Luckily most Nebraskan's have a garage for the car :) I don't envy you the weather there at all! Though I'll experience it this weekend when I'm there!

Hawks said...

that totally sucks!

sarahz said...

i hear ya- it was a record low of -17 here last night, and we made it to a high of 9 today! i'm missing so. cal right now.

Marsha said...

I love that commercial. I can not believe it is so cold. Wow.

Miriam Oh Painter said...

SoCal is SoGreat! I went running today along the boardwalk down on the beach in Santa Monica this morning. The sky was clear blue and beautiful! I think temps even crept up into the low 60s today. The whole day was just perfect, especially after a few days of rain. I'm sure you remember how it is. As clear as can be. It was nice. I'm okay with hot temps in December! Not a problem here.

Joanna said...

Hey girl, seriously it's FREEZING right now where you are. Btw, love your weather gadget. Where'd you find it?

Marnie said...

That's funny. Ooh, I hate the scraping! Way to be tough and brave the cold.