Friday, February 12, 2010

Pics of Baby Boy Janssen

These pics are exactly a month ago now - but i wanted to post them anyways. He is probably two pounds by now and in the pics the ultrasound lady said he was 1 lb 1 oz. So he has doubled since these! Maybe he just looks cute to me because he is ours!
We are heading out to Kansas City now for V-Day Weekend! Yeah! Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Team Blue~

I am always behind in my posts (if i post at all :) )
We found out last month that we are having a BOY! The ultrasound experience was awesome! The 3D pictures are so real! I just wanted to squeeze the little guy! He was sleeping and wouldn't move much. Everything looked great which put me at ease. James is obviously ECSTATIC that its a boy. Our good friends are due to have a baby boy 10 days later so he'll already have a best friend.
I'm getting larger by the day but only 3 1/2 months til D-Day! Hopefully it flies by.